Transparency is important to us! The Annual Report 2019 incl. Annual financial statements (download as PDF), we will present at the Annual General Meeting on May 6, 2020. In the report you will find a lot of interesting information about the progress in our project.
Annual report for the year 2019
Dear Members
Dear supporters and interested parties
The club year 2019 began with the trip of board members and friends to Bekoko. Some entered African soil for the first time and were allowed to immerse themselves in the local culture, traditions and cuisine, as well as get to know the country and its people. First of all, our colleagues from Hope and Life Cameroun, our local NGO, as well as the construction workers and the host family, who provided for a friendly tasting and conversation.
This year, too, we can look back on a moving but also challenging time. A lot has happened in Cameroon, not only in our project, where thanks to the tireless efforts of the team on the ground and above all the voluntary commitment of the CameroonGO! -Board members were able to celebrate great progress, but also in the country itself. The political situation has worsened, the conflict in the Anglophone region has killed more and more people and Bekoko is bursting at the seams due to the internal flow of refugees. For us and Hope and Life Cameroun, this has also changed a lot. But as a small association that is in daily exchange with our Cameroonian colleagues, we can react quickly, solution-oriented and with high flexibility with our experience, also thanks to strong and long-standing partnerships.
From the board’s point of view, one of the highlights of the year is certainly the trips of board members to Cameroon. Through the trip, the partnership between the clubs has intensified and partners have become friends. As President and Initiator, I am very pleased with this extraordinary interest and personal commitment of the Board of Management and I hope that some will attend the planned opening ceremony in 2020.
We are very pleased with the progress of the construction of the health centre as well as advances in the administrative and communication technology sector at Hope and Life.
From the point of view of our partner Hope and Life Cameroun, the milestones were clear on a structural and personnel level. An absolute highlight was the implementation of the “Internally Displaced Children back to School” campaign, which was realized together with other MNC members in the summer of 2019. Hope and Life has provided school supplies and uniforms to more than 600 students who have fled the crisis areas and paid their school fees. This brings back a bit of structure, everyday life and, last but not least, hope for these children. The children will continue to be cared for in cooperation with the schools.
All in all, we close the club year with a lot of satisfaction and look forward to the future with excitement and highly motivated! At this point also a warm welcome to Sofia, Janine and Therese, who were actively involved in the association. At the same time we say goodbye to Chloé, Daniela and Pia and thank you for your commitment and your creative ideas! Special thanks to Daniela and Chloé, who supported and helped build our association from the very beginning with a lot of know-how and good ideas.
WHY CameroonGO! Support?
- Thanks to strong partners on the ground, we can use our resources very efficiently for the benefit of those in need.
- We help people regardless of denomination, gender or ethnicity.
- The entire board of KamerunGO! works on a voluntary basis. In addition, virtually all expenses are borne by the members of the Board of Management.
- All projects are implemented in cooperation with the local population.
2019 goals achieved for CameroonGO! and Hope and Life Cameroun
- Strengths of existing partnerships
- Building more partnerships
- Marketing promotions and events (sale of goods, stand at Afropfingsten)
- Collecting donations from private individuals, institutions and companies
- Further development of the project and support on site
- Completion of the construction phase (incl. use of solar energy)
- Needs analysis for further offers
- Planning and performing campaigns
- Recruiting staff
- Training and training for staff
- Set up, training, and team building before start-up
- Planning of the opening ceremony for January 2020
2020 planned measures for CameroonGO! and for Hope and Life Cameroun
- Strengths of existing partnerships
- Building more partnerships
- Marketing promotions and events (sale of goods, etc.)
- Collecting donations from private individuals, institutions and companies
- Support IT and communication by KamerunGO!
- Subsidy contribution for the consultations (quasi as a contribution to the running costs)
- Procurement of laboratory materials and equipment
- Increasing the capacity of the solar system
- Commissioning of the women’s station from April 2020
- Completion of the outdoor zone (incl. – entrance gate and pedestrian gate)
- Completion of interior design: installation of doors and ventilation windows
- Improving processes
- Carrying out health campaigns
- Building partnerships with schools and companies for health talks
- Procurement of additional furniture, laboratory materials and consumables
Information from the departments
Review NGO Hope and Life
A special thanks to our Président Executif René Samuel Mpome, who manages our local NGO excellently and masters all the challenges he encounters day one day in Cameroon!
In addition to the daily coordination and organization on the construction site, numerous administrative procedures were also on the agenda. The bureaucracy in Cameroon really has it all, and Samy also tackles this hurdle with a great deal of perseverance and patience.
We would also like to thank Dr. Armand Njimafo, our Technical Director of the Hope and Life Medical Center, who, despite being employed in a hospital in Douala, volunteered for many hours before joining the Hope and Life team in January 2020 and running the center together with Samy.
The operation on the construction site could be carried forward without a break, with the human resources sometimes reduced to a minimum due to financial constraints. When the roof was installed in the first quarter, an important milestone was achieved. In the second quarter, the long-awaited drilling into groundwater could be made. After checking the water quality and commissioning of the well system, which is currently still operating with grid power, clean drinking water from 3 publicly accessible taps for the local population could be put into operation. Since then, this offer has been used a lot. Gradually, the interior fittings and the environmental work were completed in the next few months. In the fourth quarter, thanks to the support of Solafrica, we were also able to install a solar system.
On the administrative side, we were able to push ahead with the application for the license for the hospital and at the end of the year we also had permission to start operations. Employees were recruited and, if necessary, prepared for the upcoming work in the centre. In addition, exchanges with other medical institutions in Cameroon in connection with the MNC have been intensified.
IT, Marketing and Communication
In the last year, we were able to optimize many administrative processes. With appropriate tools, we can focus our efforts more on the essentials, such as collecting donations and campaigning. In addition, last year we completely revised the website of as well as that of our NGOs and supplemented it with a lot of further information. Especially on the Hope and Life Cameroun website, the revision was essential to draw attention to the opening of the Medical Center. As a result, the population in the agglomeration of Douala can quickly and easily find the most important information about the health center.
Another important milestone is the new Hospital Information System, which has been implemented in the medical health center. The system is easy to use and allows the management of patients, the camp as well as the systematic recording of diagnoses, laboratory values and patient information. The tool enables the creation of statistics, such as the number of patients diagnosed with malaria. This allows us to plan the purchase of medicines and laboratory equipment accordingly.
In the last year we have carried out many marketing campaigns and intensified communication. According to the motto “Do good and report about it”, we send out a newsletter several times a year and keep the interested parties up to date via Facebook posts and posts on our website. However, the scope and regularity must be further intensified in 2020.
Donations and fundraising
Unfortunately, the donations from companies and foundations did not meet our expectations and our budgeting. It turned out that it is very complex and difficult to send applications to suitable places, especially foundations, and to deliver them to the right people. In addition, the prospect of support was often very small when there was no personal contact. Despite setbacks, however, we remained strongly committed to this and were able to convince one or the other institution of our project, including the Catholic Church Winterthur, which supported us again in 2019, or WMF Mercy, which had given us your trust from the beginning. Thank you very much!
On the other hand, the numerous donations from private individuals were pleasing. Here, our ambitious goals have been largely met and we thank each individual for their trust in our project.
Healthcare and Medical Strategy
At the Medical Center Hope and Life Cameroun we would like to provide some services for medical consultations and treatments. The medical health centre should be self-sustaining in the medium term. We firmly believe that only local know-how and stable funding can sustainably improve health care in Cameroon. However, it is important to us that we provide the treatments in the medical centre to the beneficiaries at fair prices, or can offer free of charge in individual cases. If a person cannot pay for the amount, a solution is found so that it can still be treated. Services cover the following areas:
- Medical advice
- Preventive measures in the form of vaccinations and the delivery of preventive preparations, especially for children and the elderly.
- Laboratory tests for the diagnosis of diseases such as malaria, TB, HIV, etc..
- Treatment of minor injuries.
- If further measures are required: contacting and mediating the patients to a suitable institution.
- Free counselling for young people on topics such as sexuality, disease prevention and prevention, while respecting confidentiality.
KamerunGO! works in an alliance with other European partners (WMF Barmherzigkeit e.V., Bon Secours e.V. and Humanitarian Aid Landsberg e.V.) to set up the medical network “Medical Network Cameroon”. The aim is to connect hospitals and other medical institutions in Cameroon, to promote exchanges among themselves, to organise transports of medical supplies for the partner institutions in Cameroon and to offer training opportunities. In the meantime, our NGO Hope and Life does a lot of administrative work for the MNC.
We work together with the Swiss association Solafrica and its Cameroonian partner AJVC in the field of solar energy. We were also supported with the expertise of the Swiss electrician Jabin Nilsen, who has already been to Bekoko twice.
Hope and Life Medical Center acts as a pilot installation for the Solafrica project
Climate Caravan
. We were able to benefit from 450 watts (total 1690 watts of power) and a SolarChill (medical refrigerator) and received support for the crowdfunding that we launched for the remaining amount of the plant.
Financial Statements, Administration and Members
As can also be seen in the annual accounts, the entire Board of Management works on a voluntary basis for KamerunGO! All expenses for domains, printed matter, promotions, marketing, travel and stays in Cameroon or for the MNC etc. were paid by the individual members themselves.
Finally, we would like to express a HEART THANK YOU to all of you. Because without you, dear board colleagues, members, patrons and friends of the association, this incredible pace would not have been possible. Each has contributed his or her own part to the fact that we have already achieved so much.
With this in mind, we say goodbye to this club year again with the words:
“Moto a titi mudumbu, moto e nde bebolo”
(You judge a man not according to his promises, but by what he does.) Thank you very much for giving us the chance to make this motto a reality every day, thanks to you!
Ursina Sprenger,
Joel Schmid,
Financial Statements 2019
Operating accounts 2019 in CHF
Revenue Cash and cash equivalents
Membership fees 640.00
Donations private individuals 23,912.54
Institutions and foundations 38,998.00
Companies 2,700.00
CrowdFunding 6,225.42
Various actions 1,759.00
Total 74,234.00
Support Hope and Life 69,000.00
Purchase of materials for Hope and Life 8,224.25
Partial amount solar system 4’902.00
Transports to Cameroon 1,800.00
Bank charges and account management 212.15
Total 84,138.75
Net income -9,903.79
Balance sheet as at 31.12.2019
Postfinance 396.00
Customers 0.00
Vendors 0.00
Assets as of January 1, 2019 10,000.45
Net income for 2019 -9,903.79
Assets as of December 31, 2019 396.66
Budget 2020
Revenue | Chf |
Membership fees | 1’000 |
Private donors | 25’000 |
Crowdfunding | 5’000 |
Institutions, companies and foundations | 53’500 |
Actions | 5’000 |
Total | 89’500 |
Expenditure | Chf |
Project support Hope and Life Medical Center (Running Costs) | 25’000 |
Project support Hope and Life NGO (construction costs completion) | 50’000 |
Project support Hope and Life prevention campaigns | 4’500 |
Purchase of materials for Hope and Life / Transporte Switzerland | 5’000 |
Provisions / Unforeseen | 5’000 |
Personnel costs (voluntary) | 0 |
Total | 89’500 |
Support and with the purchase of delicious pineapple or mango from a fair project in Cameroon!